My Aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and went through a lot. It was a shock. Her attitude and early diagnosis pulled her through. Interesting, like so many, she almost blew off her mammogram that year...Don't even think about it! It can happen to any of us - even men.
Today, JL and I started training. Although he's not actually participating in the walk in November, he'll help me train. What a love.
Today, we walked for 2 hours. I've put on some weight recently and have not exercised since my last skin cancer episode. What the heck? I was becoming strong with consistent workouts, yoga, circuit training, etc. and then just stopped. Enough said...I'm happy to report I'm back!
Okay, this is not all about me....check out these interesting stats.
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. (Now that's scary)
- The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is about 1 in 8 (12%). It is estimated that in 2008 about 182,460 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women in the United States.
- Women living in North America have the highest rate of breast cancer in the world. At this time there are about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States
- Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer.
- The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman's death is about 1 in 35 (about 3%).
- In 2008, about 40,480 women will die from breast cancer in the United States. Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment. (merci cancer.org)
So ladies - have you had your annual mammogram ??? If not schedule it right now!!!
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