Monday, December 1, 2008
More 3-day pictures
There is a 3-day collection - upper right grouping.
Monday, November 24, 2008
3-Day Pictures
I had a surprise visit from Sista Celeste on Sat. She was only going to walk for a few miles. The above picture was taken after 10 miles during lunch break where she rubbed my feet and gave me physical therapy treatments! She ended up walking till the end. We had a blast. Thanks CJ!
These guys were the most famous of all. The San Jose Police Dept. kept us going for three days. "Come on Ladies - you can get up this hill" They paraded on their bikes at dinner Sat. night under the big tents. I thought a "STAR" had arrived as all the women suddently started standing and cheering. These guys ARE STARS to all of us walkers. They kept us safe and motivated. Thanks San Jose!
The following guy was everywhere! Twice or three times a day he'd show up in a different costume. He was so cute and crazy. I finally asked him why he was there and he told me his wife is a survivor. What a guy!
Check out the signs.... the one above is offering free exams and the one below, "I treasure your chest"
Below are a few of the safety/street patrol bikers that supported us for 3 day. We love these guys & gals!
Check out her hog!
More pictures tomorrow......
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Stories and pictures to follow.....
Thank you for your donations, thoughts and prayers. Next year, I hope you will walk with me!
I'll have pictures on the blog tomorrow.
I love you!
P.S. No Blisters!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I did it! 40 miles so far with no blisters (thank you God). I had a surprise walker today - Sista Celeste! She was so much fun and I think I've recruited a walker for next year.
Thank you so much for your support - you all have donated to a great cause.
One favorite poster was, "Stop the war in my-rack" Crude, I know but you can only imagine the things we've witnessed today. My pictures will tell all.
I love boobies - and I love you!
Hugs and kisses-
Friday, November 21, 2008
The morning started early. Aunt Sandi drove me to the Fairgrounds and stayed for the opening ceremonies. Tears flowed. The power of people is amazing.
The people that came out in groves to cheer us on were amazing. The support of this community is amazing. Ok, I know I am using the word amazing a lot but it simply sums up my experience. I was laughing most of the time (the pictures will tell the story)
I met a lot of my training group along the way and even had a drive by from Brother Russ in his SDG&E truck.
I went to the Medical Tent twice to have my foot iced and must go do it again. It hurts a lot.
I'm tired and need to go soak so here are some pictures of the first day. Love you!
Me and Bustin-Out Billy
Visited Lorraine in her classroom in Bird Rock during the walk.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
3-day WebCam
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
3 Days To Go!!
I need to focus on WHY I am doing this. Of course, it's a personal challenge but I am doing this for my Aunt Sandi, Aunt Francis, Katy and Genette.
Thanks for all of your support - I need it!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
One Week to go!
Jean Louis came home from France last night. He smelled of lavender when I picked him up. His mother uses a lavender soap in her laundry. He adorned me with gifts and filled our cupboards up with his favorite nummy-nums. He's a happy man. I'm a blessed women.
OK, back to the 3-day. I joined a training group - The Coastal Cuties a few months back. They train in North County. It's been a a challenge to get to Carlsbad by 6am on Sat/Sun mornings. It was well worth it. I've met some amazing people and their brisk LONG walks have certainly strenghten me. They welcomed me with open arms and I love them for it. Below are a few pictures of my training group. Yesterday was out last training day and our leader, Cheryl brought us all bunny ears to wear. You can only imagine the comments from passer-bys.
See you on the 3-day Coastal Cuties!!!
My Obama-Mama buddy, Denise.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A New Day
America spoke - we came together in numbers and voted for Barack Obama, our first African American President. I feel like a part of history.
I can't stop the tears and have to hold back the urge to randomly giggle. I do not feel cocky or boastful. I am thankful. I am hopeful. I am experiencing a huge gamut of emotion today.
We have some sour grapes in the office place today. I used to be like them voicing strong opinions about welfare and taxes - how people should "pick themselves up by their boot straps" and get a job. I was wrong. We are not all created equal and given the same opportunities. Many people living in poverty simply need to be shown the way.....we need more community organizers. We need to help the less fortunate. We need to stand up. We can make a difference. Yes we can!
As quoted below by President Obama, we need to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and serve. I know from experience that when I volunteer, I am rewarded. It's an amazing feeling. I need to do more. It humbles me.
I can't tell you how many times my foreign friends have made remarks about our politics and choice of President. "How did Bush get re-elected?" The world was certainly watching this election. I received this email from my French friend today:
Subject: Subject: thank you American citizens!!!
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 22:27:36 -0800
You did it!!!! Tonight is an amazing day for America and for the entire World… We have to say THANK YOU friends, to have massively voted for Obama and to open a new page of the History…
(I cannot believe it happened, wow!!!)
Thinking of you
I feel proud to be an American but that is not enough as stated by President Obama, "Because loving your country shouldn't just mean watching fireworks on the 4th of July; loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it. And if you do stand up, I promise you that your life will be richer, and our country will be stronger.We need your service, right now, in this moment - our moment - in history. I'm not going to tell you what your role should be; that's for you to discover. But I am going to ask you to play your part; ask you to stand up; ask you to put your foot firmly into the current of history. I am asking you to change history's course."
San Diego Volunteering:
Guide to Finding Volunteer Opportunities contains tips on exploring Volunteer San Diego's database of volunteer opportunities and how to find the program that best fits your needs and interests.
Guide to Youth Volunteer Opportunities - Volunteer San Diego has developed a comprehensive listing of volunteer and Service-Learning opportunities that have been carefully screened for youth volunteers to volunteer on their own, with their friends, or with family members.
Statewide and National Volunteer Organizations:
Hands On Network is a national organization working to build community through service and civic engagement by supporting an innovative alliance of volunteer management organizations across the United States, U.K. and other countries.
The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network advocates community service through a partnership with the Volunteer Center National Network. Together, they reach millions of people in thousands of communities to help mobilize people and resources, which deliver solutions that address community problems.
Volunteer Centers of California is an Association that works with a statewide network of 28 Volunteer Centers, such as Volunteer San Diego and their numerous branch sites to help coordinate statewide services in strengthening volunteerism throughout California. As a central point of contact, the Volunteer Centers of California provides a site through which nonprofit organizations, governmental departments, businesses and Volunteer Centers can collaborate on state, regional and local community service initiatives.
AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs that engage more than 50,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. Since 1994, more than 250,000 men and women have served in AmeriCorps, providing needed assistance to millions of Americans. AmeriCorps provides trained, dedicated people to help nonprofits accomplish more and make more effective use of volunteers.
Send me your volunteering experience and you'll be "featured" in my blog!
Love to you all!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ignore Exit Polls
Why should we ignore the exit polls? Almost all of this, by the way, is lifted from Mark Bluemthnal's outstanding Exit Poll FAQ. For the long version, see over there.
1. Exit polls have a much larger intrinsic margin for error than regular polls. This is because of what are known as cluster sampling techniques. Exit polls are not conducted at all precincts, but only at some fraction thereof. Although these precincts are selected at random and are supposed to be reflective of their states as a whole, this introduces another opportunity for error to occur (say, for instance, that a particular precinct has been canvassed especially heavily by one of the campaigns). This makes the margins for error somewhere between 50-90% higher than they would be for comparable telephone surveys.
2. Exit polls have consistently overstated the Democratic share of the vote. Many of you will recall this happening in 2004, when leaked exit polls suggested that John Kerry would have a much better day than he actually had. But this phenomenon was hardly unique to 2004. In 2000, for instance, exit polls had Al Gore winning states like Alabama and Georgia (!). If you go back and watch The War Room, you'll find George Stephanopolous and James Carville gloating over exit polls showing Bill Clinton winning states like Indiana and Texas, which of course he did not win.
3. Exit polls were particularly bad in this year's primaries. They overstated Barack Obama's performance by an average of about 7 points.
4. Exit polls challenge the definition of a random sample. Although the exit polls have theoretically established procedures to collect a random sample -- essentially, having the interviewer approach every nth person who leaves the polling place -- in practice this is hard to execute at a busy polling place, particularly when the pollster may be standing many yards away from the polling place itself because of electioneering laws.
5. Democrats may be more likely to participate in exit polls. Related to items #1 and #4 above, Scott Rasmussen has found that Democrats supporters are more likely to agree to participate in exit polls, probably because they are more enthusiastic about this election.
6. Exit polls may have problems calibrating results from early voting. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, exit polls will attempt account for people who voted before election day in most (although not all) states by means of a random telephone sample of such voters. However, this requires the polling firms to guess at the ratio of early voters to regular ones, and sometimes they do not guess correctly. In Florida in 2000, for instance, there was a significant underestimation of the absentee vote, which that year was a substantially Republican vote, leading to an overestimation of Al Gore's share of the vote, and contributing to the infamous miscall of the state.
7. Exit polls may also miss late voters. By "late" voters I mean persons who come to their polling place in the last couple of hours of the day, after the exit polls are out of the field. Although there is no clear consensus about which types of voters tend to vote later rather than earlier, this adds another way in which the sample may be nonrandom, particularly in precincts with long lines or extended voting hours.
8. "Leaked" exit poll results may not be the genuine article. Sometimes, sources like Matt Drudge and Jim Geraghty have gotten their hands on the actual exit polls collected by the network pools. At other times, they may be reporting data from "first-wave" exit polls, which contain extremely small sample sizes and are not calibrated for their demographics. And at other places on the Internet (though likely not from Gergahty and Drudge, who actually have reasonably good track records), you may see numbers that are completely fabricated.
9. A high-turnout election may make demographic weighting difficult. Just as regular, telephone polls are having difficulty this cycle estimating turnout demographics -- will younger voters and minorities show up in greater numbers? -- the same challenges await exit pollsters. Remember, an exit poll is not a definitive record of what happened at the polling place; it is at best a random sampling.
10. You'll know the actual results soon enough anyway. Have patience, my friends, and consider yourselves lucky: in France, it is illegal to conduct a poll of any kind within 48 hours of the election. But exit polls are really more trouble than they're worth, at least as a predictive tool. An independent panel created by CNN in the wake of the Florida disaster in 2000 recommended that the network completely ignore exit polls when calling particular states. I suggest that you do the same.
Thank you
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Breast Cancer Facts
I have reached my fundraising minimum goal of $2,200 which I am grateful for. Thank you my friends and family.
Here are some breast cancer facts - share them with your loved ones.
Breast cancer is the leading cancer among American women and is second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths.
One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States.
An estimated 40,460 women and 450 men will die from breast cancer in 2008.
Only 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are due to heredity. The majority of women with breast cancer have no known significant family history or other known risk factors.
African Americans have the highest death rate from breast cancer of any racial/ethnic group in the United States.
Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer - a devastating disease with physical, emotional, psychological and financial pain that can last a lifetime.
Without a cure, an estimated 5 million Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer - and more than 1 million could die over the next 25 years.
Monday, October 6, 2008
This walking isn't easy....
I came in last every day with another girl but that is ok. The others walk really fast and I FEEL like I'm walking fast but I'm much slower. My "partner" is 5'10" and has legs up to my waist and she walks the same speed as I. We talk politics the whole time which makes the hours go by faster. I have to keep up with these training groups, even if I'm slower. I came home both days and took Epsom salt baths and it helped with the tightness. I then studied for hours and after sitting at the table or computer my legs would scream when I stood up. This is MUCH harder than I thought it would be.
Today is a rest day. I have school tonight which is MUCH harder than I thought it would be too. After talking to these other women, I've decided not to stay in the tents. Most of them stay in hotels. I will have JL pick me up on the first day after he's off work and go home. I will then take drive myself the 2nd and 3rd day. I think I'm going to need to soak in the tub and get some rest at night.
I hope I do not come off like a whiner - it's just that I really miss my wine ;)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
15 Miles!
We returned back to our cars at 12:30. There were stops along the way to stretch and use the bathrooms but the majority of the time we were moving. Some slower than others, I might add. Yes, I'm a slow walker. It feels like I'm really going fast but somehow all the others are ahead. I keep telling myself that it's ok; it's not a race. Thank God I found a new friend that is the same pace as I. She's 5'10 and her legs end at my waist but we walk the same speed. She is a great girl and I think we'll be friends after the training.
Tomorrow we will do 11 miles and and I think JL is going to join me. It's so touching how so many men are doing this with their wives. These men rock! One guy I met today was in his late 60's and this is his second time participating in the 30day. He got a little teary telling how amazing the 3-day experience is. I can't wait.
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO MY JOURNEY! I'VE RAISED THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF $2,200. I am blessed to have people in my life that are so supportive.
Friday, October 3, 2008
VP Debate
Arianna Huffington:
I watched the vice presidential debate in a ballroom at the Four Seasons hotel in Aviara, just north of San Diego, along with a couple of hundred women attending Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit -- a receptive audience, you would think, for a debate featuring a woman who might become the most powerful in the land. It was an ideologically mixed crowd, including representatives of ExxonMobil, a major sponsor of the conference.
If the reaction of the Republican women in the room is any indication, it was not a very good night for Sarah Palin. The only noises heard during the debate were groans when Palin turned her folksiness meter up to 11 (which was often), and applause when Joe Biden delivered his best moments of the night: making personal his understanding of the plight of single parents sitting around their kitchen tables, looking for help; and his impassioned pushback on Palin's endless description of John McCain as "a maverick."
The loudest ovation of the night -- at least in that ballroom (granted, not the most representative-of-America crowd) -- came when Biden said that Dick Cheney was the most dangerous VP in history.
After watching this debate, I am convinced that if the country somehow has a collective mental meltdown and elects Sarah Palin, she will be even more dangerous than Cheney. Not only does she want more power for herself than the Constitution grants -- or than Cheney took for himself -- but she is so obviously not equipped to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, it takes your breath away that McCain picked her. He claims to be putting his country first, but the debate proved beyond any doubt that he has actually chosen to put his country on the betting line and roll the dice. And they've come up snake eyes.
Friday morning, Meg Whitman, the co-chair of McCain's campaign, will be on a panel with Penny Pritzker, Obama's national finance chair, discussing the campaign. After the debate, I asked Whitman what she thought of Palin's performance. "Good enough," she said.
But good enough for what, exactly? After Thursday night, the only thing Palin proved herself good enough for is starring in her own reality show.
Watching Biden and Palin on the same stage was like watching a tennis champion walk onto Centre Court at Wimbledon only to find himself facing an over-eager amateur from the local high school. Or as Pat Mitchell told me, "Biden was taking part in a vice presidential debate; Palin was taking part in a junior high debate."
Here's how Esther Dyson put it: "It's pretty clear that Biden spent decades getting ready for this debate, learning from experience; Palin spent a couple of weeks, learning from handlers and speech coaches."
The only subject on which Palin displayed superior knowledge was when she corrected Biden on the proper delivery of "Drill, baby, drill!" Christie Hefner thought Palin's sex-tinged twist on the chant should be appropriated for a commercial. Perhaps for Viagra.
Other than that, Palin's grasp fluctuated between wafer thin and skin deep. The moment that most drove me to want to send her a book on Greek gods and heroes was her head-scratching response to the question about her Achilles heel. She apparently didn't know what that meant since she spent her allotted time listing all of her attributes as opposed to her most glaring weakness.
Ann Wojcicki, co-founder of 23andme, told me: "I was dying to hear something -- anything! -- from Palin that wasn't pre-rehearsed."
Throughout the entire 90-minute debate, Palin came across as an over-wound windup doll, sporting a pasted-on-smile expression that never varied, except when she winked. Which she did repeatedly -- and pathetically. It was the folksiest appearance since Hee-Haw went off the air.
"The home-spun homilies have to go," Martha Stewart told me. "And, oh my god, words do have ending consonants."
In the greatest disconnect of the evening, Palin repeatedly went to the Reagan well, offering up such Gipper classics as "there you go again" and that "shining city on the hill." But, really, during a week in which John McCain hopped on board Bush's $700 billion bailout, did Palin not see how incongruous it was to insist that government isn't the solution, it's the problem? And declare that all we need to get this country back on track is for the government to get out of our way? Isn't that what got us where we are today? Or had she been so busy cramming for the debate she didn't have time to read one of the so-many-she-can't-name-one newspapers she reads?
Joe Biden's only insincere moment was when he told her: "Governor, it was a pleasure to meet you."
A better exit line would have been: "Governor, it's a pleasure to think that, God willing, in 33 days, you'll be back where you belong -- shootin' moose and takin' on those big oil companies in Alaska."
My patience with Palin is waving the white flag of surrender.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Weekend Training
Hello everyone! It's back to back time again! This weekend, we'll walk 15 miles on Saturday and 11 miles on Sunday. As a special treat, we'll have breakfast at Buccaneer Park at our halfway point on Saturday. Chuck goes all out for us with burritos, fruit, juice, coffee, you name it. And all for $7 which includes tax and tip. So PLEASE let me know right away if you are coming. I have to get a head count to Chuck by Thursday night.
Saturday: Meet me at the Ralph's grocery store just off Poinsettia in Carlsbad. To get there from I-5, take the Poinsettia exit and go west. Turn left on Avenida Encinas and then an immediate left into the shopping center. Look for me in the lot near Ralph's (there's a Starbucks there, too!) Be there at 6:30 for sign in and stretching. We'll take off at 6:45. With the miles and breakfast stop, plan for at least 6 hours so give yourself plenty of time. Correct change of $7 would be great as well.
Sunday: We'll meet at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. To get there, take I-5 to Encinitas Boulevard and go west. Cross Highway 101 (now you're on "B" street). Continue just a short distance and take a LEFT on 3rd. Go up the hill. At top of hill, turn RIGHT on "C" street and then RIGHT into the parking lot. No planned breakfast so bring a snack for our halfway point. Plan to arrive at 6:30 for a 6:45 start. We'll be on the road for about 4.5 hours.
For both days, please be sure to have plenty of hydration, sunscreen, hat,medical kit, extra socks in a zip bag, money to buy food or water, etc.
Please RSVP for both walks and for the Saturday breakfast. Need head count by Thursday evening!
See you soon! Welcome to our new walker, Nancy, and to some new names on our mailing list from the Expo!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Countdown: 8 Weeks!!
I'll take two walks tomorrow to equal 11 miles and on Sunday, I am meeting some other fellow walkers in Solana Beach for a 15 mile. I'm excited. I don't know any of them but that's ok. Last weekend was the 3-day expo and I did a 10 mile walk at 6:30 am with hundreds of women. I did not know a one which was a little hard but being the friendly gal that I am, I managed to strike up a few conversations. When I first arrived I almost cried - it felt so lonely. Sure wish I was doing this with one of you!
Here is the training schedule for next week. It is emailed to me every week. Some of you may benefit from the tips below for your next walk around the block.
Your Training Schedule for This Week:
Monday Rest
Tuesday 4 milesEasy walking
Wednesday 30 minutesModerate cross-training
Thursday 5 milesModerate walking
Friday 45 minutes Easy cross-training
Saturday 15 miles Easy walking HOW CAN THEY SAY 15 MILES OF EASY WALKING? ;)
Sunday 11 miles Easy walking
Training Tip of the Week: Walking Technique
I know what you’re thinking. How hard can this be? Everyone knows how to walk. But, when you are walking 60 miles, technique can be the key to preventing injury and increasing your walking speed.
Four common walking errors:
Staring at the ground: Keeping your head down and shoulders slouched can lead to tightness and fatigue in the upper back, neck and shoulders. Focus your gaze off at the horizon and not down at your feet or the ground just in front of you. This will tend to pull your whole body more upright. Pull your shoulders back and chest forward.
Taking an extra long stride: This can lead to sore shins, tightness in the back of the thighs (hamstrings) and a jarring thud with every step. Try rolling, not bouncing, from one stride to the next. Try to put your foot down as fast as you can. Don’t reach for the longest possible stride. Feel you body glide along the ground and try not to let your heels slam into the ground on each step.
Chicken wings: Elbows flailing out to the sides with each arm swing can cause neck, shoulder and upper back pain. Feel your thumb rub the waistband of your pants as your hand swings back and then stop it there. Don’t let it swing any further back. Imagine trying to elbow the walker directly behind you. Don’t let your hips have an exaggerated side-to-side sway.
Hyperextending your back: Excessive arch in the low back can cause tightness in the lower back and upper gluteal (buttock) muscles. Keep your rear end tucked underneath you by gently pulling your navel into your spine and flattening your stomach.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Why We Walk
Breast cancer is the leading cancer among American women and is second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths.
One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States.
An estimated 40,460 women and 450 men will die from breast cancer in 2008.
Only 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are due to heredity. The majority of women with breast cancer have no known significant family history or other known risk factors.
African Americans have the highest death rate from breast cancer of any racial/ethnic group in the United States.
Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer - a devastating disease with physical, emotional, psychological and financial pain that can last a lifetime.
Without a cure, an estimated 5 million Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer - and more than 1 million could die - over the next 25 years.
Breast Cancer 3-Day Facts :
The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk for women and men who want to make a personal difference in the fight to end breast cancer. Participants make a commitment to meet an individual fundraising goal of $2,200 and spend several months training to prepare for the event. They devote the entire three-day weekend to the cause.
Since its inception in 2003, more than $220 million has been raised through Breast Cancer 3-Day donations, contributions and sponsorships.
In 2006, the Breast Cancer 3-Day raised $86 million through donations, contributions and sponsorships. Of that, more than $61 million, representing 71% of funds raised, was invested in breast cancer research, education, and community outreach in 2006. The 71% return to charity exceeds the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Standards for Charity Accountability:
Breast Cancer 3-Day walkers travel an average of 20 miles a day during the event. Participants are provided meals, snacks, drinks, shower facilities, tents, safety guidelines and 24-hour medical support - all resources needed for a safe and memorable experience. A crew of volunteers spends the entire weekend with walkers and staff to make the event possible.
The 2008 Breast Cancer 3-Day Series includes events in:
Chicago (Aug. 8-10)
Boston (Aug. 15-17)
Cleveland (Aug. 22-24)
San Francisco Bay Area (Sept. 5-7)
Seattle (Sept. 12-14)
Twin Cities (Sept. 19-21)
Michigan (Sept. 26-28)
Washington, DC (Oct. 3-5)
Philadelphia (Oct. 17-19)
Atlanta (Oct. 24-26)
Tampa Bay (Oct. 31-Nov. 2)
Dallas/Fort Worth (Nov. 7-9)
Arizona (Nov. 14-16)
San Diego (Nov. 21-23)
Breast Cancer 3-Day Beneficiaries:
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Eighty-five percent of the net proceeds from the Breast Cancer 3-Day benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the world's largest and most progressive grassroots network fighting to end breast cancer.
Nancy G. Brinker promised her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. In 1982, that promise became Susan G. Komen for the Cure and launched the global breast cancer movement. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures. Thanks to events like the Komen Race for the Cure® and the Breast Cancer 3-Day, the organization has invested nearly $1 billion to fulfill its promise, becoming the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. For more information about Susan G. Komen for the Cure, breast health or breast cancer, visit or call 1.877.GO KOMEN.
National Philanthropic Trust
Fifteen percent of the net proceeds from the Breast Cancer 3-Day benefits the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, a special field of interest fund that will provide support for breast cancer initiatives including research, treatment, prevention and education. The NPT Breast Cancer Fund is an endowment, which will ensure that the cause receives long-term, continuing support irrespective of gifting activities in years to come.
National Philanthropic Trust (NPT), the event manager, is an independent public charity dedicated to promoting and facilitating charitable giving by individuals, families and organizations while expanding their knowledge in the field of philanthropy.
Founded in 1996, NPT is one of the 100 largest charities in the United States with more than $675 million in assets under management. Since its inception, NPT has raised more than $1.2 billion in charitable assets, and made more than 22,500 grants to U.S. and international charities totaling $650 million. Led by a national board of trustees and a team of professionals with more than 100 years of combined philanthropic experience, NPT has proven expertise in the stewardship of charitable donations. For more information, visit
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I remember loaning a friend a $100 when I hardly had a dime to my name. She was a single Mom as well and our kids went to the same pre-school. I was living with my Mother at the time. She told me she had no food or gas and I loaned her the $100. I used to wonder why she didn't pay it back even though she went on to become a nurse. I was usually curious about this when I was trying to pay the monthly bills. I know, now, that when you loan someone money, I must consider it a gift. I've been given many "gifts" in my time. Once, my dear friend/co-worker, whom I've recently reconnected with "loaned" me quite a few bills when I was having a hard time. I never asked for it - she probably just got tired of hearing me stress about how in the heck I was going to pay for my kid's school and some unexpected bill. An evelope showed up on my keyboard one morning with a note saying "no questions asked". I never paid her back and she wouldn't except it if I tried. I'll be buying her lunch till the day I die.
Times eventually improved for me financially yet were still tight when I went grocery shopping one afternoon for my Mom. This was early in her cancer diagnosis - "Nancy, go in the hall closet and get a $100 bill out of the light blue duster's pocket". (A duster is a lightweight robe). Mom had a way with stashing her money. While in Von's, I lost the $100. I was just sick! How in the world did I lose it?Today, my sister said the find was a gift from Mom - a little gift from Heaven.
Today's little find came at a good time as I've been a little stressed about raising $2200. I'm getting close but it certainly is the hardest part of the walk. At the same time, I've been blown away by how people have been so generous - a $100 dollars at a time. The money I found today will go towards my goal.
Did you know that the average cost for a mammogram nationwide is $125.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Facts That Might Surprise You

Nine out of 10 breast cancer cases can be triggered and/or promoted by unhealthy lifestyle factors and environmental exposures including:
* obesity
* lack of exercise
* smoking
* alcohol consumption
* Unhealthy chemicals consumed through eating, drinking (many plastic containers used in packaged food and drinks can be harmful), breathing, and using personal care products (including certain hair care products such as relaxers).
During the 10 years of breast development, a girl’s food, water, beverages, and air are the building blocks of their new breast tissue — the foundation of their future breast health.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Don't be surprised if I also throw a little politics your way as well. GO OBAMA!!!
Thank you so much for all of your support during this journey. The training is harder than I thought as I developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot. Time is an issue; it takes many weekend hours to walk the distance.
Why I am Walking:
I'm walking for my Aunt Sandra who has had the best attitude during her fight with cancer. Sandra and I have become very close since my Mother's passing. She's a survivor, for sure. Love you Sandra!
I'm walking for a co-worker, Katy that doesn't let anything or anybody get in her way.
I'm walking for Genette from Sequim, WA who has fought and won her battle with breast cancer TWICE. I met her while on vacation to WA. She has a great sprit - a solid women who is involved in her children and grandchildren's lives. She reminded me of my Mom.
I'm walking for my Aunt Francis who is no longer with us.
I am walking for my daughter and our future generations; that they may have a world free of breast cancer.
Love you!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Lake Crescent
JL and I have reservations to stay in the Roosevelt cabins (with our own fireplace, thank you) for Labor Day, 2010. The reservationist was shocked they had a reservation; must have had a cancellation. Lucky us!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wire Sculptures by Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa is an American artist, who is nationally recognized for her wire sculpture, public commissions, and her activism in education and the arts. In San Francisco, she has been called the "fountain lady" because so many of her fountains are on public view. In her website, you can learn about her life, her work, and her development as an artist.